So here's the story: it's 4:30 AM, can't sleep, and I'm thinking...
Why is it that as Christians, we feel that God has to do something radical in our lives for us to re-gain that first love that we had for Him? You know- that passionate, intimate love that we felt when He first saved us from our sins and brought us into His amazing grace? Why don't we ALWAYS love Him passionately for that? Why does the intensity of our worship fade and the flame in our fire get dim?
And then we go to a retreat or a camp or some big shindig and God does something radical and we get all "fired up" again. And then we're "in love with Jesus" and everything is all about Him for the next few weeks. Until the newness fades and life is back to normal and our Bible is sitting dusty on the shelf again.
Let me tell you, if I was only deeply in love with my husband when he did something amazing for me, well, let's just say we probably wouldn't be married anymore. ;o) I am in love with him not because of what he does for me (although those times are special and appreciated). I am in love with him because of WHO HE IS. Because he is loving, kind, funny, sensitive, caring, honest, faithful, and ultimately, because he is the man I've committed my life to and I can't imagine life without him. And because I know sometimes you have to choose to love, even when you don't feel it.
So why is our relationship with God so different? Why do we forget that sometimes we have to choose to love? We may not always feel that intense, deep devotion and love based on circumstances. In those dry seasons in our lives when we feel that God is far away, we have to choose to love. We have to choose to keep our passion alive. Not because of what God does for us, but because of WHO HE IS. Because He is faithful, loving, gracious, merciful, forgiving, compassionate, healing, comforting, and passionately in love with us. We may not always see it in the circumstances around us. But what husband or boyfriend brings you flowers every day? Since when does God have to "woo" us or win our affection constantly?
Maybe He just wants to know that we love Him...just because. Because He is our Savior. Our Father. Our Friend. Just because of WHO HE IS.
I admit, I've done it too. My love has faded in the "in-between" times. But what kind of a commitment is that? Not one that will last.
I challenge you, and myself, to make your commitment to God and to loving Him just as serious as you would a marriage vow. You don't pledge to love a spouse "when they do great things for you and really show you how much they love you." No marriage would last if that were the case. Love is deeper and more committed. Love is selfless and faithful. Love is a CHOICE.
For better or for worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health. For all my days, Lord, I will CHOOSE to love you. Because of WHO YOU ARE.
"Mirror Of Ink"
I look into this mirror of ink and see a soul that has no beauty in itself, but is silvery-white in the light of
Your Grace that covers me and makes me new.
Your Grace that covers me and makes me new.
Saturday, April 19, 2008
I don’t know why this has been on my mind lately, but perhaps it will strike a chord with someone.
I’ve been thinking a lot about the lack of commitment in our society today. Commitment to relationships, jobs, family, goals, morals, convictions, etc. Why are we so quick to run away from things we once held in such high esteem as soon as a little trouble comes our way? Are we so shallow that we’re not willing to pay the price to stick by or work out something that we truly believe in?
People throughout history that have truly made a difference have been people that were totally committed to their cause. Philosophers, inventors, artists, missionaries, activists, many people have given their lives in commitment to a cause that they believed to be worthy of their time, devotion, and in many cases, even martyrdom.
So why do we find it so hard to be committed to something? Anything? We’re always looking for the "next best thing". We’re not committed to marriage and family. We promote a good cause one day and forget about it the next. We commit to finishing our education, fulfilling our dreams, and making a difference, but somehow we end up making excuses for why we’ve fallen short. What happened to sacrifice? Conviction? Perserverance? COMMITMENT?
I want to be known as a committed person. I want to be committed to my Savior. I want people to see that I am 100% devoted to my faith in God and will never be swayed or shaken. I want to be as committed to Christ as He was to me when He carried my cross to Calvary.
I want to be committed to my family. I want them to always know without question that I am with them through thick and thin. No matter how tough times may get, I am committed to loving, supporting and believing in them.
I want to be committed to my dreams. To the vision God has given me for my life and my future. No matter how out of reach it may seem, I will press forward with my whole heart toward what God has called me to be and to do. I won’t give up. I won’t back down.
I want to be committed to the cause of Christ. To sharing His message with the world. I want to look back at the end of my life knowing that I did everything I could to tell people about the salvation that Jesus offers. It may require sacrifice and hardship, but I will not be silenced. Ever.
I want to go against the tide. This world may find that commitment is an outdated, overrated idea, but I believe it is the cornerstone to change. Like it’s been said, "If you don’t stand for something, you’ll fall for anything." Years from now I want someone to remember my name and know that I made a difference because I was committed. Perhaps it will be my grandchildren, thankful for a solid family heritage. Perhaps it will be young people that I ministered to, thankful for someone who told them about Jesus. Perhaps it will be someone I’ve never even met, but that was impacted by my life in some way.
I challenge you- be committed. Figure out who you are and what you believe and be committed to it. Whether it’s your faith, your family, your church, your charity, your dreams, or your desires, be committed. Nothing worth having comes without sacrifice. Jesus was the ultimate example of that. If He could be committed to a lost and dying world that hated and crucified Him, shouldn’t we be able to commit to a Savior that gave His all for us?
No matter what the cost, I will be committed. Will you?
I’ve been thinking a lot about the lack of commitment in our society today. Commitment to relationships, jobs, family, goals, morals, convictions, etc. Why are we so quick to run away from things we once held in such high esteem as soon as a little trouble comes our way? Are we so shallow that we’re not willing to pay the price to stick by or work out something that we truly believe in?
People throughout history that have truly made a difference have been people that were totally committed to their cause. Philosophers, inventors, artists, missionaries, activists, many people have given their lives in commitment to a cause that they believed to be worthy of their time, devotion, and in many cases, even martyrdom.
So why do we find it so hard to be committed to something? Anything? We’re always looking for the "next best thing". We’re not committed to marriage and family. We promote a good cause one day and forget about it the next. We commit to finishing our education, fulfilling our dreams, and making a difference, but somehow we end up making excuses for why we’ve fallen short. What happened to sacrifice? Conviction? Perserverance? COMMITMENT?
I want to be known as a committed person. I want to be committed to my Savior. I want people to see that I am 100% devoted to my faith in God and will never be swayed or shaken. I want to be as committed to Christ as He was to me when He carried my cross to Calvary.
I want to be committed to my family. I want them to always know without question that I am with them through thick and thin. No matter how tough times may get, I am committed to loving, supporting and believing in them.
I want to be committed to my dreams. To the vision God has given me for my life and my future. No matter how out of reach it may seem, I will press forward with my whole heart toward what God has called me to be and to do. I won’t give up. I won’t back down.
I want to be committed to the cause of Christ. To sharing His message with the world. I want to look back at the end of my life knowing that I did everything I could to tell people about the salvation that Jesus offers. It may require sacrifice and hardship, but I will not be silenced. Ever.
I want to go against the tide. This world may find that commitment is an outdated, overrated idea, but I believe it is the cornerstone to change. Like it’s been said, "If you don’t stand for something, you’ll fall for anything." Years from now I want someone to remember my name and know that I made a difference because I was committed. Perhaps it will be my grandchildren, thankful for a solid family heritage. Perhaps it will be young people that I ministered to, thankful for someone who told them about Jesus. Perhaps it will be someone I’ve never even met, but that was impacted by my life in some way.
I challenge you- be committed. Figure out who you are and what you believe and be committed to it. Whether it’s your faith, your family, your church, your charity, your dreams, or your desires, be committed. Nothing worth having comes without sacrifice. Jesus was the ultimate example of that. If He could be committed to a lost and dying world that hated and crucified Him, shouldn’t we be able to commit to a Savior that gave His all for us?
No matter what the cost, I will be committed. Will you?
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